May 18 – Padron to Picarana

This is possibly the resting place of St. James’ relics for a period when the ship arrived from Alexandria to Padron.

The Blessed Virgin Mary had a lot of influence on St. James apostolate – that is why you see statues of St. James and beside him the Statue of Mary.

We came across Tamara pushing Michelle along the way out of Padron. Michelle is 3 years old and Tamara was saying she is ready for this trip And started from Porto. They had to stop now and then as Michelle wanted to rescue the snails crossing the paths. We walked along with them for awhile. She could walk or run 3 km at a time. I better not complain about my aches and pains. I forgot to ask how sleeping accommodations worked for them.

Then we met Barbara and Evonne from Cork, Ireland near the Church. We chatted about Cork and Murphys/Guiness for awhile but they had to take off as they wanted to reach Santiago which was about 16 km away.

Roman is from Poland and he comes from the same town as Roman Polanski, so we won’t forget his name.

Went for lunch in Picarana and ran into a few Americans from California. The picante sauce with food was so good. It didn’t taste that hot so i kept adding to my food. However, there is a reason why they called it Galician’s hell. You pay for it the next day. 😀😀

Mark is Japanese who is married to an American and his father disowned him. He lives in Orange County and his sons became Jewish. Not sure his whole family is Jewish but they celebrate all the Jewish holidays.

Buen Camino

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